If you are funding your procedure yourself, the full balance of your procedure must be paid at least 14 days in advance of your treatment. Unless otherwise stated, your procedure is covered by the fixed price terms and conditions which were included in your admissions pack.
Please read these terms carefully before making payment.
Payment may be made by Bank Transfer using the below details. Please use your patient number as the reference so that we can identify your payment.
Payment Reference: Your Patient Number
Account Name: Kingsbridge Private Hospital Belfast Ltd
Account No: 10986086
Sort Code: 09-02-22
IBAN: GB78 ABBY 0902 2210 9860 86
Santander Corporate
If you wish to make payment by credit or debit card this may be done online by visiting our Pay Your Bill page on our website and following the on-screen instructions. You can access this page here.
If payment is not made within these conditions, your procedure may be cancelled or delayed. If you have any further queries, please submit a request here and a member of our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible.